If bathing irritates your skin, You’re Not Alone.
Skin disease that causes dry skin require more moisture daily then regular skin.
Traditional bathing may worsen your dryness and eczema.
Why does your skin itch after bathing?
The most common cause for itching to occur after a shower is dryness of the skin. Dry air, soaps, hot water, can deplete the skin of essential oils and nutrients, making it dry. This makes the nerves more sensitive, causing one to feel itchy. Taking baths in a dry climate can also induce this condition. (This doesn’t necessarily mean you have any particular skin disease, your skin could simply irritate easily.)
What are the symptoms of dry skin?
The key symptom of dry skin is itching. People who have dry skin can often find rough, dry, red patches on their skin, and these patches are often itchy. Typical skin areas affected include arms, hands, lower legs, abdomen, and areas of friction such as ankles and soles.
Do hot baths cause dry skin?
Frequent hot showers and baths can lead to dry, itchy skin or even rashes. Cooler or lukewarm showers even just a few times a week can keep skin hydrated and help hair stay strong and shiny. If your skin appears red following your bath or shower, your water is too hot.
bathing with eczema

We have Bathing Solutions For Eczema and Dry Skin:
Ella’s Bubbles introduces the breakthrough Infusion™ Microbubble Therapy universal installation kit, delivering incredible chemical-free hydrating and exfoliating benefits while you soak.
This earth-friendly process involves a chemical-free, patented technology that pressurizes water with oxygen, resulting in billions of tiny, oxygen-rich bubbles that are released directly into your tub. As the bubbles burst, oxygen is infused into your skin and the silky smooth bathwater, gently cleansing while also giving you exfoliated, softer skin. At the push of an on/off button, this feature can provide a moisturizing, exfoliating therapeutic experience all while detoxifying and relieving skin related issues in silky smooth bathwater.
How does it work? The Microbubble system silently immerses the bather in millions of magnetically charged microbubbles that clean, exfoliate, soften and rejuvenate the skin leaving it feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Our partner NuWhirl, sponsored a third-party laboratory to conduct an experiment on the effects of Microbubble Therapy. Test results showed that 100% of test participants had improved hydration and moisture content in the upper layer of skin just after 10 minutes of Microbubble Therapy. That is a 14.24% increase over untreated skin. Also 79% of test participants had an average of 10% improvement of softness in their skin. That being said, Microbubble therapy may provide relief for dryness and skin conditions like Eczema and Psoriasis. It can be a much more hydrating bathing experience rather than a traditional tub.
This innovative aftermarket kit can now upgrade most standard home bathtubs. Ideal for bathtubs with access to the back, the Infusionâ„¢ Microbubble Therapy jet can transform your daily bath into a spa-like experience. Once installed by a licensed contractor, all you need to do is sit back and relax to reap the many benefits of Microbubble bathing.