The Function of Walk-In Tub Extension Panel
Moving on, access & extension panels help to hide all of the plumbing and mechanics inside the bathtub. For example, all of our Ella Acrylic tub come with one access panel for your corner installation bathtubs. Next, you have the option to get a second access panel and extension panels as an add-on. Panels can be added in a case where you might want a freestanding bathtub, or if you have a longer alcove and need the extension to fit the bathtub in nicely.
Finally, the panels can be easily removed during installation to allow for greater access to the mechanics and for an easier grip while moving. All one has to do is take out the screws and washers at the bottom(as shown in the diagram) and slide the panel off of the brackets. Once the installation is finished you can slide the panel back onto the brackets and screw them back into place. The screws even come with white caps so you have a nice smooth white finish with no eyesores. Access and Extension panels give you the option to put your bathtub anywhere without any extra hassle.